“It is under the greatest adversity that there exists the greatest potential for doing good, both for oneself and others.”

- Dalai Lama

Read all about me below!






I was born in The Republic of Cyprus during a historical period of political and militant upheaval.

I was quite early exposed to adversities which ultimately ignited an innate fire within me for warmth, compassion, truth seeking, understanding, sense of personal and social responsibility and for action for positive change and transformation.

My life experiences undeniably inspired and initiated the foundation of the path to my current profession.

It is within this backdrop that I have learned that our circumstances and humanness naturally predispose us to challenges and vulnerabilities - periods of uncertainty, uneasiness, purposelessness, meaninglessness, pain, suffering and discontent.

Nonetheless, I additionaly learned that, through these transitory susceptibilities and circumstances, our resiliencies may sore to reach the height of our potentials for growth, active sense of purpose and a meaningful existence.

I believe that our courage and responsibility may be activated to transform our challenges and susceptibilities into compassionate understanding, acceptance, forgiveness, growth and wisdom, gratitude and a purposeful and meaningful existence.


A Beautiful Life Books

Kakoullis, R. “Smiling Through the Rain As it Waters the Seeds of Resilience.” Smiling Through the Rain: How to Stay Strong & Build Resilience When Faced with Adversity. Copyright © 2023 Norma Swais At Face Value Media. Pp. 63-73. eBook ISBN:978-1-989146-50-7

A Beautiful Life Magazine Links                                                                                                                                                                         

Kakoullis, R. (2023). Quieting Loneliness. A Beautiful Life Magazine, Issue July/August, p. 12. Copyright © 2023 Norma Swais https://594f2a12-847e-4537-9c6e-1a02ed675860.filesusr.com/ugd/2b3b62_7ee82086261545ed903e8f9ef2a21d68.pdf                 

Kakoullis, R. (2023). Authentic Flow in Being & Becoming. A Beautiful Life Magazine, Issue September/October, p. 12. Copyright © 2023 Norma Swais https://594f2a12-847e-4537-9c6e-1a02ed675860.filesusr.com/ugd/2b3b62_bfbf55e6291c444594e08b87cb156540.pdf  

Kakoullis, R. (2023). When Pain & Suffering Accompany Your Journey. A Beautiful Life Magazine, Issue November/December, p. 22. Copyright © 2023 Norma Swais https://594f2a12-847e-4537-9c6e-1a02ed675860.filesusr.com/ugd/2b3b62_367168ebd69b4b6a97e98f9550cf47e8.pdf                                                                               

Kakoullis, R. (2024). Cultivating Peace - A Personal & Interpersonal Practice. A Beautiful Life Magazine, Issue January/February, p. 12. Copyright © 2024 Norma Swais https://594f2a12-847e-4537-9c6e-1a02ed675860.filesusr.com/ugd/2b3b62_db9b432b6a8b4601ac56abac9faeb2d2.pdf  

Kakoullis, R. (2024). The Art of Embracing Uncertainty. A Beautiful Life Magazine, Issue March/April, p. 26. Copyright © 2024 Norma Swais https://www.abeautifullifemagazine.com/_files/ugd/2b3b62_065da490350647829ee6fdc1f27158e4.pdf  

Kakoullis, R. (2024). The Flow of Serenity in Our Being & Becoming. A Beautiful Life Magazine, Issue May/June, p. 28. Copyright © 2024 Norma Swais https://594f2a12-847e-4537-9c6e-1a02ed675860.filesusr.com/ugd/2b3b62_0ff8a013d45f47e1ad0f6c44dbab05c8.pdf  

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